by pot | Mar 28, 2023 | Weekly Draws
We have a Winner! The lucky winner for Thursday March 23rd was Nancy Ball & CoWorkers. They won $27,842 with number 31245.
by pot | Mar 16, 2023 | Weekly Draws
The number drawn today 17137 for a pot of $13,324 was not played, so we have a carry over! Next week’s Jackpot is estimated at $25,000.
by pot | Mar 16, 2023 | Weekly Draws
We have a winner! The number drawn today 26606 was played and the winner of $56,859 was Lorine Shearing.
by pot | Mar 2, 2023 | Weekly Draws
The number drawn today March 2nd 11789 was not played so the pot will carry over to next week and it should be around $55,000.00
by pot | Mar 2, 2023 | Weekly Draws
The number drawn today 12679 was not played, so the pot will carry over to next week and it should be around $40.000.00
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